Wednesday 26 October 2011

we all have a sweet spot

 A Sweet spot is different than a sweet tooth.

But the feeling you get from being in your sweet spot is just as good as eating some high quality chocolate. Better actually.

I have been out of my sweet spot for a long time. But I  am  finding my way back to it.

Before kids I was involved in a fabulous childrens ministry at our Church in Edmonton. My role was not just teaching the kids, but also teaching, leading and mentoring the team of volunteers we had working in ministry with us. It was a challenging job but very fulfilling and it did suit my skills and giftings wonderfully. I got to teach, lead, create, and play. I got to share Jesus with kids, and help adults find their areas of giftings and the excitement of serving Him.

I have been out of this area of service for a while. Sure, I have had my own kids to work with and its great but not the same. And I have been involved in the nursery and some small teaching/leading roles at our church but nothing has filled me with joy, passion and excitement like I've experienced this past week.

A couple weeks ago we started a mom's group at our church. It is small and it is intimate, and there are kids everywhere. Looking past that, I am loving authenticity, community, leading, teaching (though minimal, because I have as much to learn as the others do). We have undertaken the challenge of daily devotions. Some of us are getting up early, some of us do it other times. Some are following a Bible reading plan, others are not. Regardless we are all getting back to the basics of reading His Word. It's exciting. May not seem so to some of you, but we are all exhausted mommies who do not have much extra time and this simple discipline has been neglected for a while. It has been truly life giving for me. And my soul is lit up when I see others getting closer to Him! Sweet spot #1. Mentoring, leading and teaching. ahhhhhh....

The second area that I have started to serve is by helping with the Awana group that my older two boys are involved in. It is a super simple job that I have, but to see kids excited about learning God's Word and Truth makes me come alive and fills me with joy. The teaching they are recieving and the examples they are seeing in action of vibrant adults who love Jesus is priceless. I saw pride dripping off of these little ones who had worked so hard to memorize John 3:16, and the excitement was thick. They were so excited to be together, to worship, to make friends, to learn and show us what they have learned. Last year I had one child in Awana and it was such a great thing for our family and so when the opportunity arose for me to be involved I said yes. It is not something I will regreat. It has brought me back to my sweet spot. It reminds me why I trained to be a teacher, and why I loved serving at the church. These kids are not only adorable, teachable, exciteable but they are also powerful for Him. I used to be bothered by the fact that the kids had to memorize (achieve) in order to recieve recognition. What if they were not good memorizers? What if they just say the verse only to forget it immediately? But I have concluded that even if it takes them a month to learn that verse, God has been working, and His Word is in their heart as a result. They are in His Word!

Colossians 3:23
 Too many of us are serving in areas that are not in our 'sweet spot' because that is where the need is, and I am thankful for those of you who are dutiful in filling the holes but it is so much better to be in your sweet spot. I see too many of my peers being 'dutiful' and getting dried out, frustrated and annoyed in their area of service. Just because you are a mom doesn't mean that you need to be passionate about serving in the nursery. Just because your kids are in high school doesn't mean that you need to volunteer with youth. Sometimes it should be reversed. I see too many people sick of serving, because they have been serving out of their area of gifting. Some of my peers can not serve in their area of gifting because they are too busy being dutiful and filling the holes in ministries they feel obligated serving in. Once their children are out of these ministries moms are exhausted from serving in these ministries they do not love and they do not want to help in other areas.  I understand this, but this is a problem. I would love to see people excited and passionatly serving in their areas of gifting- giving, serving, excited, passionate and fulfilled.


All of this to say to you--- Have you found your sweet spot? What areas of ministry ignite passion in your life? The Bible says we all have gifts. We are all part of the body of Christ, and all of our gifts are necessary for the body to function properly. You have something to offer!!! You have a unique gift that God has given you to use for Him. You may not think so. You may not know what it is, yet. But when you find it, it makes serving FUN, enjoyable and life giving. It may take years to discover your area of passion but I tell you when you find it you will know it.

I hope and pray that you will find your sweet spot.

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