Saturday 14 January 2012

experiential learning

We know it's true for us as adults. We learn the best through experiences. The things that stick out most in our minds are lessons learned through the hard times, through learning it ourselves. I love to read and there is great value in gathering information through text. However, I am a big fan of learning through doing.

When we quit school for the Christmas break, I told my son that after Christmas we would be doing a science unit about Building Things. He is a boy. And he is a farm boy. He has always loved tools, machinery, blocks, and this Christmas was all about Lego. I have been excited all year about starting this unit about building things because it would be a fun project based subject. I signed out several books on the topic, and got our popsicle sticks all gathered and we were ready to go!

We gave said son K'nex for Christmas. At first he looked at me and said," but Mom, I wanted Lego!" Don't worry, he did get Lego, it just came from his grandparents. I knew that he would love K'nex once he got into it, and it didn't take long. I mean, this stuff is amazing! The kit we gave him even has a motor and a wind up gear thingy... he was hooked. At first he followed the instructions to a tee, but quickly he began designing his own creations. After each building session or project completion, he would look at me and say, "Mom wasn't that a great Building Things project!" Priceless. It was Christmas holidays and here he was on his own experimenting with building, learning from his mistakes and designing his own machines! I was thrilled.
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He built this awesome farm machine thing- it was some sort of plow that actually drove because it was connected to the motor. He was so proud and showed it to everyone who came foot into our house. My husband's Aunt came over for a visit, and the boys practically blew her over with their excitement to show her and tell her about their creations. At this point my son even said, "I like K'nex even better than Lego!" He came a long ways in a short time. And he has learned so much through his play... his experimental learning.

At first he was disapointed because he wanted something else. But through the experiences he has had with K'nex he has learned many valuable things, things that will aid him in future projects. I wonder... how often do we look at God and say, "But I wanted ___________, not __________...." and then fail to see learn what He had in mind for all of it, because we are too stubborn to work with what He gave us? Sometimes the path ahead of us is not what we would have chosen, but He wants us to learn something through it. I know I can look back and see evidence of this in my life.

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