Wednesday 11 January 2012


this post was written in mid-December and never published. enjoy

I was lucky to have had the opportunity to be sitting with a friend the other night talking- no children, no interuptions. She told me she envied my "forever home." You see, nearly six years ago, we purchased our home, our acreage from my husbands grandmother who was moving into town. It was an amazing opportunity and we were blessed by being able to afford this house, and the acreage. By purchasing this home, and my husband committing to work on the family farm, we were basically making a lifetime committment to this location.  I won't lie, for most of the time we've lived here I have struggled with living here. We live out of town- I've always been a town girl. We live in  a big home- I've always lived in small spaces. The house was built 30 years ago and needs some updating and refreshing - though I like doing basic cosmetic work on a home, I have always been daunted by the size and cost of our dreams for our home. We know that God willing, it is our plan to live here forever, and that scares me too.

So when my friend was saying she envied my 'forever home,' I took it to heart. We are so blessed to have this home. This amazing family home that was built by people we know, this home that is spacious and has so much potential to be HOME to my children, and hopefully grandchildren.This will always be home.  It is warm and inviting (though I used to just see the brown.... I now see cozy). And beyond the surface, this home is to be used for His glory. He gave us this home. When we were weighing our options 6 years ago, one of the reasons we chose this house was to use this large home as a place people can gather- family, friends, youth, our kids peers. This house and the yard is ideal for the kind of life we want to live and the passion for hospitality that we have.

I am also blessed that my husband has the same vision for our home as I do. He spend hours last week preparing our yard and skating pond and a bonfire for the busload of youth who came out for the evening. He worked hard serving those teenagers who were coming out for a good time. This is what we wanted this home for- so that we could do that kind of thing! It is awesome to see our dreams coming to life.

I was sitting here today during nap time and was just so happy as I looked around at my home- all decorated for the holidays. Smelling amazing and looking so warm. I love Christmas and I love decorating my home for the holidays. Holiday decor was a big part of my childhood and I have very fond memories of my childhood home at Christmas. As I looked around at my home I see the warm colors, and surfaces full of  treasured items that have meaning to me. I see things I have made, things my husband has made, gifts from people I love, I see nativities and ornaments that have special meaning to me. Sitting here I was filled with a joyful peace, that this is my home.

We are hosting a party tomorrow night (something I love to do and am so thankful we have the space to be able to do) and I look around at our pretty new table. I envision years of people gathered in our dining area, and families comfortable in our home. I see the gift God gave us in this home and I am thankful. I pray that we will use it well, to show people His love when they are here, and to be generous with what we have.

And so, it's taken me nearly six years, but I am glad that this is my 'forever home.'

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