Wednesday 18 January 2012

smooth sailing...

.... in the frigid north

The last few days have been interesting.

It's been ridiculously cold! I mean like -45 with the windchill. I have not left my house since Sunday night, and it is now Wednesday evening! Cold.

And my husband has been gone.

The mornings have started rough, everyone bursting with energy and wondering, "What are we going to do today?" Morning is school time for the older boys, and it was hard getting anything accomplished with either of them. However, by 10:30 each day, we hit the groove and the days have gone fairly easily after that.

A few key things made these days bearable...

1) an amazing jumpy castle!!! yes, we have a jumpy castle IN OUR HOUSE! It was a hand-me-down gift from some family who just didn't have room in their house for it. Their loss is our gain, because if you remember the one thing this house has going for it is large rooms and lots of space! The jumpy castle has been a source of fights and trials, but also a source of hours of pleasure... and exercise for the kids :) Yeah for jumpy castles!

bouncy castle

2) Lego, Playmobil and Knex. These toys never loose their novelty. My kids never get tired of them. We cycle our Playmobil sets so there is always a different set out on the table. My 6 year old son has currently spend 2.5 hours building an amazingly HUGE Knex digger machine thingy. Its the most difficult one in his book, and he is persevering. I am shocked actually- at his attention span, and his ability.

3) Movies! Yesterday my kids watched 2 movies, total of 3 hours. In this house, we usually watch about 1 hour a day total. So this was a treat for all of us. Today they didn't even ask or need a movie until 4:45 pm!

4) A good read- aloud novel. I am reading the book, "Little Pilgrims Progress" to the boys right now. It's an adapted version of, "Pilgrims Progress" with simplified language for younger children. This is a classic allegorical novel with amazing teachings woven throughout its pages. I am loving reading it to them, and they love snuggling with me on the couch for as long as I will read... win - win for everyone.
Little Pilgrim's Progress: From John Bunyan's Classic

5) A new project for mommy. Last week I was given a treasure. Well it's a treasure to me. A bag full of amazing bamboo yarn. Six balls of one color, and 8 balls of another. I was inspired, and thrilled. I started this project for my soon to be three year old. I made each of my boys a blanket while pregnant with them, except for my last. He got a fleece blanket (I was too busy to crochet him a blanket, until now!). This pattern is absolutely beautiful and I am so excited to be able to do this for him.

Crochet Basket Weave Afghan Baby Blanket

6) Good audio books! My kids love to listen to stories while playing in their rooms or building projects. Currently we are listening to Jungle Jam Radio Show, Paws and Tales, Adventures in Odyssey, and Story of the World. My kids act the Jungle Jam stories out in the mirror while they listen to the story (super cute!) and all the while they are learning powerful lessons and truths about our world and God. The Story of the World is world history... again learning amazing things!

Of course we have played lots of Lightning McQueen, had morning bath times, read stories, prepared good food, snacks and baking, did lots of laundry and there was a fair bit of fighting mixed in too (I have a fiesty 2 year old!). But, looking back over the last 3 days of deep freeze weather, I have fond memories and I  would say that it has mostly been smooth sailing.

1 comment:

  1. So many wonderful ideas to keep busy indoors in this post!
