Sunday 15 January 2012

my latest challenge

It all began mid December when I went to visit a friend in Edmonton and she got talking about how she's given up refined sugar. That and a whole bunch of other stuff. She's made some pretty dramatic changes to her diet. Of course, I have other friends who also eat pretty radically, and who always seem so in tune to their bodies. I have never really cared. Honestly.

We eat pretty healthy here. I do most of the cooking, from scratch. We use a lot of home grown and preserved things. We mostly venison (very lean). But I have never been one to eliminate something from my diet, or to notice that a certain food makes me feel yucky.

But after I talked to said friend from Edmonton, I got to noticing how ADDICTED to sugar I have been. Ok, it was the Christmas season and I could excuse some of my indulging on that... but my typical sugar intake is ridiculous.


sugar cane sugar cookies

For example, on a typical day, I would have a cup or two of coffee loaded down with creamer (home made, or egg nog) to get a sweet fix. I would probably sneak some kind of treat as well... some baking from the freezer or chocolate from the cupboard. If there was a stressful moment in my day, I would turn to sweets to lift my mood. While the kids rest or nap, I'd probably have some more coffee and something else sweet. We would also usually have some sort of treat after supper too. I work hard and "I deserve it!"

So I was convicted.


January 2 hit... (couldn't start Jan 1 because we were having a party) and I cut all sugar (refined) from my diet. Yup- coffee without sugar is not nearly as tasty. No chocolate. No baking. No icecream. No candy. No store bought yogurt. I have been noticing that everything is loaded with sugar! Ketchup. BBQ sauce. Cereal!!

I was grumpy at first. Even had a bit of headache. I did not like my coffee.

People have suggested sugar replacements- agave syrup, sucanat, honey, maple syrup, splenda. I am trying to avoid them too. I want to handle my cravings and need for sugar more than I want to cleanse my body.

I have been using honey in my home made bread (2 tbsp per loaf) and maple syrup in my home made granola. But that's about it.

And its ok. No, it's more than ok. I have realized that I crave sweets A LOT! It's crazy actually. But I have been eating more fruit to satisfy it. I have added cinamon to my coffee and that has really helped. So has drinking green tea instead of coffee. I made a cake, muffins and cookies without sugar- using applesauce or peanut butter to sweeten them, and 2 out of 3 were yummy.

But the best part is how I feel.

I am suprised actually. Amazed. I feel different. Empowered. Free.

 And I have so much more energy. I am not on the sugar rollercoaster anymore. No more highs and lows. I can't totally explain it, but it's been amazing for me to give up sugar. It's been almost 2 weeks now, and I can't say that the cravings have left- I still really desire sweets... and I am curious to see if that desire leaves over time or if I'll just find healthier ways to satisfy my desires.

I am also trying to improve the way we eat on a whole. More fruit and veggies. More healthy. More natural.

This is a fun experience for me, not a chore as it would be for some. I enjoy making things for my family. Granola, bread, soups, bread, yogurt, home cooked meals. I love it. It's creative, it's energizing.

I am not a die hard but I have been using some recipes from the Eat Clean Cookbooks, and the Kind Diet. Check them out.

Just the Rules: Tosca's Guide to Eating Right
the kind diet- alicia silverstone


  1. Now you have me thinking...I remember you saying a while back (before you had any babies) that Ty was more of an even keel person and you were high highs and low lows...was that all because of your sugar addiction?

  2. I would say its a part of it Kelly. But personality an hormones totally play a factor too.
